Sports Book Reviews

Book reviews are helpful to make an informed decision about purchasing books about hockey. Sports book reviews go beyond stats, etc to give you a sense of the reading value of a book. 

Book reviews, both non-sport, and sport book reviews were my first efforts as a published writer. You will read the reviews of some of my favourite baseball book reviews from the 1990s when I was the reviewer for the now defunct Dugout Baseball magazine.

Since 2000 my sports book reviews have been mostly about the great game of hockey. Many of those reviews will appear in this section of this website. I should also note that coming soon will be a section featuring some of my non-sport book reviews.

One of the first sports book reviews that you can read will by one of my favourite hockey books; Growing up Hockey by Brian Kennedy. This great book touched many of my own hockey experiences and those of my friends. It is well-written and entertaining. I did not want the book to end. Growing up Hockey is a title that should be on the list of every reader’s “must read” books. 

To find my sports book reviews just check either the column to the right or at the bottom of this page. As I will be posting more reviews in the future you should check this page frequently for the latest entries.

I should note as well, that if you decide that you would like to purchase one or more of the books featured here, I have provided links to to help you locate the book.

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Growing Up Hockey  will touch you in many ways, especially if you grew up in Canada or the northern United States. The Foreword by former NHL goalie Kelly Hrudey not only prepares you for what lies ahead in the pages of the book but also demonstrates the similarity of experiences between himself and the author (not to mention most readers).

Cobb a Biography - Book Review - Author Al Stump provides a stunning picture of Ty Cobb aka the "Georgia Peach" which became a movie starring Tommy Lee Jones.

David Halberstam's October 1964 reveals how one team, the St. Louis Cardinals', openness to signing black baseball players benefited them on and off the field.

Eddie Mathews and the National Pastime - A Review tells the story of not only one of the greatest third basemen in baseball history, but also the story of one of my heroes

Sports Book Review: The Mooseheads provides the reader with an interesting perspective as how this team from Canada’s Maritimes became a powerhouse in Canadian Junior Hockey as it details the team’s first decade of play in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League.

Sidney Crosby: A Hockey Story provides a detailed look at Crosby's amateur hockey career before he was drafted first over-all in the 2005 Draft and the book gives an interesting overview of the history of hockey in Canada's Maritime Provinces.

Sports Book Reviews go beyond stats, etc to give you a sense of the reading value of a book.

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