Shipwrecks, Parks, & Sawmills
Their Impact on the Bruce Peninsula,

The first history of the Bruce Peninsula from first settlement to 2019. Shipwrecks, Parks, & Sawmills explores the impact of the forest products and tourism industries on the evolution of the Bruce Peninsula from wilderness outpost to thriving tourism destination. 

shipwrecks parks and sawmills of the bruce peninsula

anywhere in CANADA!

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The First History Written About The Bruce Peninsula


  • 123 pages
  • book size: 8 1/2" x 11"
  • Detailed Appendix describing impact of tourism and some of the legal issues surrounding the forest products industry on the peninsula in the 1800s
  • This book is derived from my MA thesis completed at the University of Western Ontarion in 2020.

Buy Shipwrecks, Parks, & Sawmills Here 

Test Your Knowledge of the Beautiful Bruce Peninsula!

  • What famous Canadian artist camped on the Bruce Peninsula in the 1840s?
  • What was the first provincial park opened on the Bruce Peninsula and when did it open?
  • Where are you if you are visiting the Ouendiagui?
  • Where was the Rankin Portage?

There is much to enjoy and learn!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
Shipwrecks, Parks, and Sawmills

Thank You!

Paul White